Pre-release testing phase has started.

May 1, 2024 · 1 min read

Well done Zhihao! Zhihao Wang has been the first beta tester for our cluster, thanks to him we could spot and patch few issues and reaching the point of a more stable state.

Zhihao is a PhD student at Politecnico di Torino and he has just started a new project that aims at using P4 switches in a very intriguing cybersecurity project. We asked him to report any issue occurring while using the nodes, and he has done a great job in assisting us with the testing and documentation. Kudos to him!

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Initial deployment phase of Tofino switches in the SUP4RNET cluster in one of the Politecnico di Torino’s campus data centers.

Few months before, we decided to boost up the noise level of our Poltecnico di Torino data center by installing the two guys here, and believe me they are way more noisy than expected! That was fun!

Alessandro Cornacchia
Alessandro Cornacchia
Postdoc Researcher
I got the PhD in Communications Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2023. My research focus is on distributed systems and network optimization.